Functional Medicine Treatment Pathway

A bespoke and individualised approach to you and your health.

Each journey will vary in regards to structure and duration

The nature of Functional Medicine dictates that it is not a quick fix solution but rather a comprehensive and complex approach and that in order to see results, an initial commitment of 3 months is highly recommended.

We have many years of experience working with patients and we are able to draw on this experience to formulate the perfect individualised Functional Medicine treatment pathway for you.

We suggest that each functional medicine journey starts with a consultation. During the consultation, your practitioner will explore and explain some of the reasons for your current situation and offer guidance and possible treatment options within the Functional Medicine Pathway.

The consultation is a perfect opportunity to give a clearer idea of how Functional Medicine can help you, before making any decisions to investigate your health further.

An initial consultation is perfect for you if you would like to know more before committing to a long term pathway.

£350 per hour online or in-person consultation

Most patients move onto our 3 month programme which you can find detailed below.

Functional Medicine Pathway

How can you incorporate functional medicine techniques into your routine?


Follow these 5 simple steps and you will see a real positive impact on your health for the long term.

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Functional Medicine Associates
functional medicine associates

Functional Medicine Pathway

£3000 - 3 months*

Our 3 month pathway typically follows the structure below. Please note, this is only a guide and it is sometimes necessary to deviate from this structure depending on the individual patient.

The pathway includes 6 hours of consultation time with your practitioner and will typically run for approximately 3 months from the date of your first consultation. (We request that all consultations within the pathway are used within a 4 month period). We allocate a clinical lead for each patient and this will be the practitioner you will have your consultations with. Our practitioners do however work collaboratively on each case and in some instances, you may have 2 practitioners present during a consultation. All consultations can be done via Zoom or face to face as requested.

Within this 3 month pathway, 5 additional hours of professional time is allocated for additional research and preparation around your file. With each patient a considerable amount of time must be spent reviewing the case history notes, discussing your case with our other practitioners and continuing research of the most up to date medical literature around your condition. It also includes administrative time spent organising the ordering of laboratory diagnostic testing kits, analysing test results, writing up programmes, and organising supplementation.

We ask for a 50% (£1500) deposit at the onset of the pathway with the balance (£1500) being due approximately halfway through the pathway. Both payments are non-refundable.

Treatment may be extended beyond 3 months depending on your individual needs. Your practitioner will discuss options with you at the end of the 3 month period.

Additional costs for testing and supplements*

Functional Medicine Pathway
Functional Medicine Pathway Testimonial

Listen below to hear how we helped Katie’s mum recover from her symptoms of Fibromyalgia, as well as how we helped Katie herself with her IBS and hormonal issues.

“Conventional medicine had given up on my husband Alec, there was nothing they could do to help his Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) and Chronic fatigue, plus other challenging issues. Only two months into the pathway with Pete, Alec is a changed man! His concentration has improved and he reads a lot. His sleep is also much improved and he now gets up each morning with renewed vigour. He’s back in the land of the living!”

How does a typical Functional Medicine Pathway work?

Data Gathering
Questionnaires, case file review and analysis prior to 2hr consultation.
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Once you have decided to go ahead with the 3 month pathway the first step would be to fix a date for your 2 hour consultation. We also ask that you read carefully through our terms and conditions and that you agree to and sign these before proceeding.

Using our secure online medical platform, “Living Matrix”, the next step would be to invite you to answer some detailed questionnaires. These questionnaires allow us to gather the relevant information needed to build up a detailed case history. You will be asked questions around your past and current medical history, past and current lifestyle habits (exercise, diet, sleep, work, stress etc), supplementation, medication, family history as well as any significant life events.

This information provides a vital starting point for us to start work researching around your file, preparing your notes and holding discussions with our other FMA Practitioners. We ask that you complete your questionnaires 5-7 days prior to your 2 hour consultation so that your practitioner has adequate time to extensively review and analyse the information prior to your first consultation.

Your Initial 2 hour Consultation
During this consultation you and your practitioner will discuss any significant findings from the questionnaires.
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You will talk in depth about the symptoms you are experiencing, and we discuss where we might look to find the root causes of these symptoms. We talk about your goals and expectations. It is not unusual for 2 practitioners to be present during this consultation.

Relevant testing will be discussed with you and any tests deemed appropriate will be ordered upon your agreement. All test kits sent to you come with full instructions for collecting samples, however if you experience difficulties, we can provide email assistance to help. In the majority of cases you will be sent for a blood test following your consultation.

Lab testing recommended and organised for the patient.* cost of testing not included in pathway.

Diet & Lifestyle Plan
Initial dietary and lifestyle advice. Revision and enhancement of initial dietary and lifestyle based on findings from lab results.
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Following your 2 hour consultation you will receive an initial diet & lifestyle plan (in electronic form) to get you started. This plan will be based on the information gathered during the first consultation and will contain advice regarding lifestyle changes, supplementation etc. We recommend that you follow this plan for 4-6 weeks whilst waiting for any test results to come back.

Further Consultations
30 minute consultation
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1x 30 min consultation to discuss progress and challenges.

We will arrange a 30 minute consultation for you approximately 2 -3 weeks into your pathway to discuss how you are getting on and any challenges you are experiencing. We will also discuss the results of the blood test. This consultation can take place face to face or via FaceTime/Skype/Zoom/phone. We are also available for short email communication and support during this time.

90 minute test review consultation
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1x 90 min consultation to review lab test results.

Once we have received the results of your other laboratory tests, we will notify you and arrange for you to have a 90 minute face to face (preferably) consultation to discuss these results. Based on the findings of these tests we will then review your initial diet & lifestyle plan to make it more individualised and discuss appropriate treatment strategies if deemed necessary. This may involve changing your supplementation regime and/or making further dietary and lifestyle modifications.

This new plan will run for the following 8 weeks with periodic support offered in the form of 2 additional 30 minute consultations and email support. 

60 minute review consultation
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1x 60 min consultation with review of pathway and next steps discussion.

At the end of the 8 week period, you will have a 60 minute consultation with your practitioner to review the pathway and discuss the next steps. Some of our patients require treatment for longer than 3 months.

At this point patients may choose to commit to an additional 3 month pathway and be re-tested in order to see how well the implemented changes have worked. Others feel well enough to carry on with their journey independently. Either way your practitioner will discuss with you the best way forward.

*Laboratory Testing & Supplements

The cost of any laboratory diagnostic testing is paid directly by the patient to the lab involved (please ask your practitioner for costs and details). Please note that the email support included in your pathway does not include emails that require lengthy replies. We suggest that unless your query is urgent, you make a list of questions to discuss at your next consultation. You are welcome to email this list to us prior to your appointment so that you get the most out of the consultation.

Not sure the functional medicine pathway is for you?

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