Pete Williams

M.Med.Sci, CSCS, IFM Certified Practitioner, Bredesen Trained Practitioner
Corporate Burnout -Cardiovascular disease - Brain Health - Gut health - Expert in DNA testing

Founder of Functional Medicine Associates Pete is an exercise and medical scientist. In 2002 he was part of the UK’s founding group of Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialists, as accredited by the National Strength and Conditioning Association of America. In 2004 he became the youngest ever recipient of a ‘Lifetime Achievement’ award from the Register for Exercise Professionals. In 2013 he was in the first worldwide cohort to be awarded Institute for Functional Medicine Certified Practitioner status and has represented the Institute for Functional Medicine as a Clinical Innovator. He was also an early adopter of the Prof Dale Bredesen training to better understand neurodegeneration.

Pete has had over 20 years of experience applying Functional Medicine in clinical practice and is seen by his peers as one of the leading figures in Functional Medicine in the UK. He is a sought-after speaker and advisor to nutraceutical and lab testing companies. Pete has recently developed a genomics panel DNA Smile in collaboration with genomics company DNAlysis and Nordic Labs to help patients and clinicians better understand the oral and systemic health connection.

Throughout this time, he has treated people with a wide range of chronic diseases.

Pete is a personal and professional advocate of exercise and the key role it plays in health. He loves to practise what he preaches in all aspects of life including keeping up with his two young sons.